
Showing posts from January, 2020

FMX 210 Introductory Blog

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog for the course Foundations of Digital Media.  My name is Logan Bushwell and I am a junior with a major in Public Relations and Advertising.  I am a very devoted and hard-working student who loves the opportunity to explore new learning areas.  Foundations of Digital Media specifically is a course that I have been truly excited to jump into considering I just had a schedule malfunction and just switched into the class without being able to attend the first week of class.  My feelings for the class are excited and eager to step into the art department for a change considering the majority of my prior courses have been focused on my major path.  The idea of stepping into a new learning environment gives me an opportunity to expand my thought process significantly while being presented with new ideas and concepts not only from a great professor but also a motivating class group.