
For this project, I included a picture of myself, a picture of a candle burning in the shape of a head, and an image of the solar system. I chose to use hue and saturation, color balance, and black and white transition layers when coloring my piece the way it is. My choice of images was specifically used to create an illusion of myself in outer space. While working on this piece on April 7th, it also happened to be the same day as the "supermoon". Astronomy has always been an interesting subject for me to learn about, so I felt with the supermoon being present, and it also is a big passion of mine, that the background of the solar system fits perfectly for this project.
When choosing a second image to overlay, I chose an image of a burning candle. With everything going on right now, the coronavirus is taking over our every day lives. As hard as it is, eventually the light (coronavirus) will burn out and we will return to our normal days. The image of the candle burning is the optimism I am experiencing right now that one day this all will end, and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My overall vision was to tie two very important things that are going on both in my life and in this case, the world, into this piece of work. I did not want this work to be completely realistic and instead used my imagination to make the work as original as I could. Overall, I really enjoyed this project and it allowed me to be very creative and I hope we have projects like this in the future.


  1. Feedback:
    1. I like how you drew inspiration from two images.
    I like how the final picture still has that "dark" mood to it.
    2. I think you could've maybe hidden the L so it would be a fun thing to find in the picture.
    I think also the same thing with your tag brush, maybe making it a bit smaller as well.
    3. I like the candle light idea

  2. I like how symbolic your project was, and how your description justified your choice of background and effects. The only suggestion I have is to maybe get rid of the L in the photo because it seems out of place. Your project was very interesting and turned out great!


  3. I really enjoyed the first picture that you created. The combination of the candle and your photograph came together nicely. I also enjoyed reading your comments on the meaning behind the artwork. I think the lighting adds a stronger impact on to the picture. Perhaps you could have positioned your body differently for the solar system picture so the view would flow better. However, I enjoy both concepts that you have created here. 


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